Monday, June 8, 2009

The daily exercise regime

This is my daily exercise regime now. just a short walk around Kangaroo Point with Cheryl. Here we are making our way through Dockside. It was a fine, clear Winter's day today. Perfect for bush walking-sigh, It won't be long now.... :-) Sorry about the scowl, I still can't pull back the corner of my mouth on the left sideto form a proper smile.We are going to discuss this problem with Kylie Perkins, the speech pathologistfrom St Andrew's hospital, tomorrow.


  1. Lovely to see you getting out and about. I bet it was still a beautiful day to be walking around KP though!


  2. Jo said...
    Lovely to see you getting out and about. I bet it was still a beautiful day to be walking around KP though!

